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本文作者:zhangyanbing032  发布于:2011-12-15  分类:桂林物理家教  点击:

  1. defy / verify / certify / rectify / justify / magnify / amplify / simplify / specify / modify / qualify / simplify / clarify / terrify/ classify / identify

  2. mend / amend / recommend / commend / command

  3. cooperation / corporation

  4. commemorate / memorize / in honor of / in memory of

  5. agitate / clap / slap / fluctuate

  6. compensate / supplement

  7. capacity / capability / ability / faculty

  8. deliberate / desperate / delicate

  9. conscious / conscientious

  10. exceedingly / excessively

  11. reliance / trust / belief / confidence

  12. vigorous / rigorous

  13. sensitive / sensible

  14. flash/ crash / crush / clash / smash

  15. jeopardize / terminate / resume relations

  16. inspire / expire

  17. literal / liberal / literary

  18. homogeneous / simultaneous / instantaneous / spontaneous / harmonious

  19. competitive / competent

  20. extinct / distinct / instinct

  21. deduce / seduce / induce

  22. perspective / prospective / respective

  23. surplus / deficit / defect / sufficient

  24. respective / respectable / respectful / respected

  25. strain / stain / restrain / constrain / refrain

  26. evoke / provoke / irritate / invoke / poke

  27. open / cease / resume fire / ignite

  28. hostility / futility / hospitality / absurdity / commodity

  29. superiority / inferiority / priority

  30. commerce / commence

  31. stationery / stationary

  32. compliment / complement

  33. apprehension / comprehension

  34. access / assess / inaccessible to

  35. spark / trigger / give rise to

  36. negligible / negligent

  37. tackle / address / cope with / deal with

  38. stability / capability

  39. coincide / collide / crash

  40. prescribe / describe / inscribe / subscribe / script / manuscript

  41. ascend / transcend / descend
本文标签: 桂林大学生家教  桂林钢琴家教  桂林高考家教  
本文Url: http://www.0773teach.com/bbs/post/741.html (出自: 桂林家教资讯_桂林兼职信息网)
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